Jack Daniel’s Whiskey Chocolate Bar

Chocoholics beware! The Jack Daniel’s Whiskey Filled Chocolate Bar is here!

If you love Jack Daniels and occasionally enjoy a good chocolate bar, then this pairing was made for you. The Swiss Chocolate Manufacturer, Goldkenn, partnered with Jack Daniels to bring you this whiskey filled chocolate bar.

A burning and aromatic center is encased in smooth Swiss chocolate. It is a true delicacy that is guaranteed to enthrall even the manliness of men. This is your only opportunity to relish the best of the best swiss chocolate with unique savory addition of Jack Daniels.

While it may not have the potency to get you drunk, there is no guarantee that you won’t get intoxicated off the amazing combination of whiskey and sugar. So treat yourself or a friend to the most excellent gift for someone with a weakness for Jack Daniel’s whiskey.

All the chocoholics; lash yourself before you indulge yourself in the royal treat of this liquor infused chocolate bar.



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