Bacon, Whiskey and Coffee Soap

Want to smell tasty? Try taking a long soak with any of these flavored soaps: Bacon, Whiskey and Coffee. Each bar of soap smells so yummy and tempting that anyone would have the urge to have a taste. Unfortunately, these are non-edible!

These Bacon, Whiskey and Coffee Soap bars are handmade; with no animal products and vegan-friendly oils that are ironically guilty for the stimulating bacon whiff we adore so much. A manly set of three appetizing wonderful smelling soap bars; Coffee Bar, Hair of the Dog and the slab o’ Bacon Soap in a clever-looking burlap sack!

Often you run behind the schedule for office and hasten to wrap up your entire morning routine in a couple of minutes including a shower, dressing up and eating a decent breakfast. Imagine yourself trying to do both at same time. No surprise, if you spill a cup of coffee on yourself instead of shampoo or scrubbing yourself with a piece of bacon. It is weird, but acceptable. But biting one of those Bacon, Whiskey and Coffee Soap bars is undeniably catastrophic. Who wants to burp out soap bubbles while talking?




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